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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Beginning, Again, For the 3rd Time

I have been saying for months (years) that I am going to actually write in my blog. I never do it. This year I am doing it.

At midnight on NYE/New Year's Day, my mother asked all of us (my step-dad, sister, boyfriend and self) what our new year's resolutions were. The ever popular 'workout more, eat better, be zen' flashed through my mind. instead I chose to stand up for myself. Kind of an odd choice for someone who has always been so outspoken. Over the past four days I have thought a lot about what I said and now would like to amend it. My 2012 resolution for LIFE: Be more ME.

Great! But WHAT does that even mean? I will find out along the way.

One thing that I know is ME is fashion, makeup, hair etc. In 2008 I stumbled across the glory that is youtube makeup/beauty tutorials. It was a very hot Sunday in July and the air quality was so poor that venturing outside was not an option. Bored to tears I googled some makeup techniques for 'hooded eyes' (more on this to come) and came across a world of online gurus. Instantly I fell in love. In the back of my mind I always thought, 'I could do that.' I have had a long standing obsession with all things beauty (although there a plenty of greasy-haired, no makeup allowed days to go around). This blog will be my own take on beuty hype, fashion, and all things intertwined with that.

My goals are to start slowly so as not to forget to do the simple things like the dishes (actually my wonderful boyfriend, we will refer to him as 2E, frequently does the dishes), my daughter's laundry, or go to work. So happy first post to me, and happy New Year to you!


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